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Welcome to

Your New Life!

Start here - To Access Both Your Apostolic Online and Local Resources

Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,

in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. (New King James Version)

Experiencing the gospel of Jesus Christ, learning of his deep love for us, responding to that love through repentance, water baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and being filled with the Spirit of Christ…is a powerful, life changing experience! So now what?

Where does a person go from here?

Begin Your New Life Now...

  1. Rejoice and thank the Lord for brininging you out of darkness into his marvelous light!
  2. Find an Apostolic group to fellowship with, for support and encouragement, you don’t have to walk alone.
  3. Begin a Discipleship Program - a great place to ask questions, and learn from the Word of God.
  4. Find a Local Church, a place for continued worship and where you can serve your community.

Your Local House Church Leader can help you

with all these things.

Enroll now to find your local neighbourhood house church.

Just fill in the form below to start your journey.

Local House Churches Connection Form

Email : Phone calls by appointment only through email.

Enroll to Grow is a division of the

Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.

P. O. Box 178

402 Douglass Street

Outlook SK

S0L 2N0

Charity’s detail page Registration no.: 887918316 RR 0001 Charity status: Registered

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