For almost 2000 years the Apostolic Christian Church has been there... helping, encouraging, and supporting those in need.
We know in today's world the need is even greater, therefore we at Enroll to Grow wish to offer you and your family access to many Apostolic programs, services and helps for emotional, physical and spiritual support.
Enroll to Grow is a unique program that gives you access to all of your local and online Apostolic Christian Resources within our vast network of Canadian and International Apostolic Churches and Organizations. Resources and services for and your family and that you may not be aware of.
Enroll To Grow will help you and your family:
It’s simple – just click on the banner below and just fill in your information in the form and you will be contacted by a local team worker to give you access to all your local services, depending where you live, and the services offered, you and your family can access many local free resources and helps.
Your privacy is extremely important to us
Only our admin team and your local representative(s) of
Enroll to Grow will see your entry.
Depending on where you are in Canada you may also have access to:
food bank registration, doctor referrals etc.
These services may be free or have a small fee depending on the local Apostolic Organization or Service provided.
All services are without obligation.
We have many connection points to connect you with local and online services-
just chose the service that is most helpful right now.
Feel Free to Share with Family and Friends
Enroll to Grow is a division of the
Rev. D. L. McQuinn Memorial Foundation Inc.
P. O. Box 178
402 Douglass Street
Outlook SK
S0L 2N0
copyright © All Rights Reserved 2022